
Top Strategies for Finding Your Tribe in 2025 | Episode 37

When we were younger, meeting new people and forming friendships felt effortless. But as we grow older, building new connections can become more challenging...

This often happens because we get caught up in daily routines, avoid trying new things, and miss opportunities to meet new people.

In this episode, we’ll share exactly what you need to know to find your tribe—especially if you:

  • Struggle to approach new people

  • Feel shy or uninterested in small talk

  • Often feel like you don’t belong

Our hope is that this episode will change your perception of connection.

The tips we share have been tried and tested in our own lives while living in different countries and building our tribes—not once, not twice, but in Julia's case, six times!

You’ll also gain insights from the timeless book How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie, which has transformed the lives of over 30 million readers worldwide.

By the end of the episode, you’ll have a simple but effective task of the week to help you start building your amazing tribe in 2025.

Speaking of tribes—don’t forget to join our community on Facebook! We’re excited to grow it in 2025 and can’t wait to welcome you.

Join us!

Enjoy the episode and best wishes for the New Year!🥳

Brian & Julia

P.S. It’s great to be back—The Joy Link 2.0 starts now!

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Check out the Holistic Wealth Fest for optimisers wanting more out of life, we’re giving the answers, you sooo desire!


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