To be honest, this one is quite difficult to spot within ourselves, yet this belief system around scarcity mindset affects every single area of our lives—from relationships to work to health.
We tell ourselves there isn’t enough time, money, or resources, and that keeps us small, preventing us from dreaming bigger. After all, how can you want more when there’s not enough? Your mind might even tell you that you’re ungrateful, greedy, or egotistical (ours certainly did).
In this episode, we share our perspective on the topic and our personal stories with it.
We’ve let go of trying to be experts in every single area of life and stopped sharing generic tips and research that’s accessible to everyone.
Instead, we’ve decided to be ourselves and enjoy talking about what we’ve learned—hoping that it might be relevant for you to hear.
If that resonates with you, give it a listen. Perhaps you’ll see yourself in one of our experiences. That might help you feel less alone and give you hope—or even offer practical steps and tools we’ve tried ourselves that might help you figure out what to do next.
Thank you so much for hanging out with us—we appreciate you more than you know.
If you feel like sharing your story about the scarcity mindset, please do! You can reach out to us on Facebook or Instagram, or join our Facebook community.
Brian & Julia
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